How is a firewall configured for d-Link H.323 video?

d-Link DVC-1000 Ports:

Most D-Link routers now support a Virtual Server feature that allows easy one-click configuration for the d-link videoconferencing system (the DVC-1000) and that works well for other video end-points also. You will not need to manually configure the ports. Upgrading your router to the latest firmware might be necessary to support this feature. If you have other routers or you are having difficulty with the DVC-1000, please read the user manual information to learn how to open ports on routers (port forwarding).

The port 1720 (TCP) and ports 15328-15333 (TCP and UDP) need to be forwarded to your video endpoint.

For the d-link routers, here are the configuration steps:

Step 1     Open a web browser such as Internet Explorer and enter the IP address of your router (e.g. Enter username (e.g. a default is admin) and your password (e.g. a default is blank).

Step 2     One Click Virtual Server setup. Click on the Advanced tab and then the Virtual Server button on the left. This brings up the Virtual Server window.

Look in the Virtual Servers List for an entry called DVC-1000 or i2eye. Click on the edit icon (a page and pencil) to highlight it in yellow. At the top of the page then enter the private IP address for the video conferencing endpoint (e.g. Under Protocol, select TCP. In the private port box, enter 1720. In the public port box, enter 1720. Click Always or set a schedule. Click Apply and then Continue.

This step assigns port 1720 to the video endpoint.

Click on the Advanced tab and then the Firewall button on the left. Now you should see the correct d-link ports assigned to the video endpoint (i.e. 1720 (TCP) and ports 15328-15333 (TCP and UDP) assigned to the endpoint

With just this setting, you should be able to make an outbound call and receive an inbound call with the d-link i2eye.


3.1     Port forwarding for all endpoints for H.323 call setup - port 1720. Click the Enabled radio button. Enter a name (H.323 Call Setup or i2eye) Click Allow. Next to Source, select WAN under interface. In the IP range start box, enter an *. Leave the IP range end box empty. Next to Destination, select LAN under interface. Enter the IP address of the DVC-1000 in the IP range start box. Leave the IP range end box empty. Under Protocol, select TCP. In the port range boxes, enter 1720 in the first box and leave the second box blank. Click Always or set a schedule. Click Apply and then Continue. Port forwarding for all endpoints for H.323 call setup - port 1720.

3.2     Create a firewall rule for the d-link DVC-1000 audio, call, video and data. Click Enabled. Enter a name (i2eye_video). Click Allow. Next to Source, select WAN under interface. In the IP range start box, enter an *. Leave the IP range end box empty. Next to Destination, select LAN under interface. Enter the IP address of the DVC-1000 in the IP range start box. Leave the IP range end box empty. Under Protocol, select *. In the port range boxes, enter 15328 in the first box and then 15333 in the second box. (The boxes are not big enough to display the whole number but as long as you typed carefully they will be in there). Click Always or set a schedule. Click Apply and then Continue.
