Firewalls help protect your network by controlling data traffic from outside the network.
You need to setup the firewall port forwarding to work with H.323 videoconferencing or it can prevent videoconferencing because it does not allow unsolicited data to enter the network.
You must forward the traffic to and from the video endpoint through the firewall using the specified port numbers and protocol types.
Here's the link to address specific products and the steps needed to configure the firewalls:
port forwarding - Polycom, Cisco Tandberg, LifeSize, Sony
frost_sullivan_video_conferencing 2011 firewalls.pdf - 16 page pdf - white paper - "One of the primary problems with IP based videoconferencing and security relates to traversing the corporate firewall."
skype-it-administrators-guide 2010 ver 2.pdf - 30 page pdf - incl info on Skype Firewall and NAT traversal methods