Installing the VSS-1-KIT

For the 2018 & current VSS-1-KIT's, there's no need to pre-install any drivers. The system is plug and play. . . with current versions of Windows 10 and Microsoft Teams, Skype & Skype for Business, and other PC/Laptop conferencing software.

Insert the VSS-1-KIT USB device into the supplied USB extension cable, and then the USB extension cable into the Windows PC/Laptop.

Within a few seconds, Windows will identify the new USB device as "AV TO USB2.0". This is the device name for the video and audio inputs to your PC/Laptop conferencing software such as Skype, WebEx, etc.


If there's a risk of static electricity, then before changing any connections, please turn off your equipment - the codec, screen and VSS-1 System. This reduces the risk of equipment damage. Here are more tips:

Be very careful not to trip on any cables or damage any connectors.

Video Connection to your camera or codec.

  1. Use an RCA video cable (Yellow), or an s-Video cable, to connect the the video output from your camera or the VCR video output from your codec, to the USB dongle of the VSS-1 System.

Audio Connection if Required.

  1. Use a RCA stereo audio cable (White & Red) to connect the VCR audio output from your codec to the RCA audio input on the USB dongle of the VSS-1 System.

  2. Can you hear the remote sites audio on the videoconferencing system monitor?

    1. If not, check the mute button and volume level on the VSS-1 System and the videoconferencing system monitor.

    2. On some codecs, there is a sound volume indicator showing audio input levels

Adjust the Settings on  your PC/Laptop/VSS-1 System Conferencing Software & Completion Test

  1. Turn on the PC/Laptop/VSS-1 System and turn on the camera/VTC codec and screen.

  2. Start the Teams/Skype/Conferencing application and login to your Teams/Skype/Conferencing account.

  3. Can you see your local audio move the volume indicator in the Teams/Skype/Conferencing Application?

    1. See Teams/Skype/Options/Audio Settings - this tests operation of your local VSS-1 mic

    2. Change the Audio selection to the USB connection of the USB VSS-1 System.

  4. Can you see your local video from the Camera/VTC system camera in Teams/Skype/Conferencing Application?

    1. See the Team/Skype/Options/Video Settings - this tests operation of  your local PC/laptop webcam

    2. Change the Video selection to the USB connection of the USB VSS-1 System.

  5. Can the PC/Laptop/VSS-1 System at the conference room successfully make a Teams/Skype audio test call - using the VTC mic?

    1. See Teams/Skype/Options/Audio Settings/Make a Free Test Call - this double checks the VSS-1 System audio settings and your internet & network connection - using your local VTC mic.

  6. Can the PC/Laptop/VSS-1 System at the conference room successfully make a Teams/Skype video & audio test call to a remote  Teams/Skype/Conferencing site?

    1. Call someone on your Teams/Skype/Conferencing contact list, using your local PC/Laptop mic - this double checks the VSS-1 System video, audio & network settings for outbound calls.

    2. Can you see and hear the remote Teams/Skype site?

    3. Can the remote Teams/Skype site see and hear you?
