VSS-1 System Upgrades for your Conference Room System
The VSS-1 upgrades are available for many modern room video conferencing systems . . .
Features and Benefits:
- More efficient communication to one or many mobile & remote video users via their PCs, Laptops, Macs, iPhones, iPods & iPads.
- A group of people in your conference room can avoid crowding around a small PC, Laptop, Mac, iPhone or iPad for a video call.
- The remote sites will appear on the large screen, so your group in the conference room can easily see them.
- The conference room cameras can move via remote control to a wide angle view, or to zoom in to focus on a particular speaker or object.
- The conference room table-top mics allow remote sites to more clearly hear people around the conference room.
- Room speakers allow you to adjust the volume so the remote site can be heard clearly.
- Each of these types of videoconference call can be supported:
- Point-to-Point - from your conference room to one remote or mobile user on Skype iPhones, iPads, PCs, Laptops or Macs,
- Multi-Site - from a group of room systems to one remote or mobile user on Skype iPhones, iPads, PCs, Laptops or Macs,
- One conference room system to a group of Skype users via the Group Video Conferencing feature,
- Multi-Site room systems to a group of Skype users via the Group Video Conferencing feature .