Grandstream GXV3240 and GXV3275 Product Information

Check out these powerful two video phones - for video, voice, and data conferencing and collaboration - a first of it's kind 3-in-1 device - with full Android tablet features. Now everyone in the organization, in Huddle Rooms and SOHO's can use the latest technologies to improve their communications, collaboration and operations.

What are the three key Huddle Room/SOHO technology requirements & features?

  • Good Phone Services and Audio Conferencing

  • Content Sharing (e.g. via wireless when you and other participants Bring Your Own Devices - BYOD)

  • Videoconferencing (e.g. installed and/or BYOD)

Use a GXV3240 or GXV3275 for conferencing and collaboration via Skype, Google+, Google Hangouts, Google Voice, Microsoft Lync/Skype for Business, Polycom Real Presence Mobile, Cisco WebEx, Zoom, Blue Jeans, etc.
Share info from Web Browsers, Adobe Flash, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, news, weather, stock, Internet radio, Pandora,, Yahoo Flickr, Photobucket.
Use the Google calendar or your favorite scheduling system.
Import/export mobile phone contacts & data via Bluetooth, etc.
Connect the system via HDMI to your existing screen to share info with your group. HD wideband audio, full duplex speaker phone.
The systems include both POE/Power sources, plus Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities.
Cart Link Product Descriptions and Discount Pricing - direct from us MSRP


Grandstream GXV3240 - 6 Line IP Multimedia Video Phone With 4.3" Touch Screen LCD



Grandstream GXV3275 - 6 Line IP Multimedia Video Phone With 7" Touch Screen LCD


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Grandstream GXV3240 Data Sheet and Manuals

  1. gxv3240_english_datasheet.pdf - 2 pages
  2. gxv3240_user_guide_1_0_3_46.pdf - 179 pages
  3. gvx3240_microsoft_lync_setup_guide.pdf - 10 pages
Grandstream GXV3240 Videos
  1. Grandstream GXV3240 Unboxing - 2 min
Grandstream GXV3275 Data Sheet and Manuals
  1. datasheet_gxv3275_english.pdf - 2 pages
  2. gxv3275_administration_guide.pdf - 108 pages
  3. gxv3275_microsoft_lync_setup_guide.pdf - 8 pages
  4. GXV3275/gxv3275_qig.pdf - quick installation guide - 7 pages
  5. gxv3275_user_guide.pdf - 161 pages
  6. manual_administrador_gxv3275.pdf - 77 pages
Grandstream GXV3275 Videos

Grandstream Website Product Info : Grandstream Networks, Inc :: Products, IP phones and video surveillance solutions

Grandstream Catalog & Price List
